I am fascinated by the beauty of the designs, the amazing craftsmanship and durability of ancient mosaics decorating and covering floors.
Living as an expat I often miss being grounded in a place. Maybe therefor I am especially attracted to the ancient floor mosaics. Working with natural stone that I find on the way brings great satisfaction as I literally get in touch with the ground where I am.

… and I want to say: our work here is so tight and intense it was a unique experience. I managed to stop the time together with my colleagues never mentioning work, every one of us focusing on their mosaic. It was just a moment of colors, a universe of colors. I was distracted like a child without thinking of my schedule. We turned into children and we had a lot of fun. I managed to stop time and entered into this marvelous experience …
Edel Bereslawski, Participant in teambuilding mosaic event, UNDP, Brasil
Mosaik machen …
…zwingt dich ins Jetzt, in einen Zustand voller Lebendigkeit, frei von Zeit, frei von Problemen, frei vom Denken, frei von der Last der Persönlichkeit.”
“Jetzt! Die Kraft der Gegenwart” Eckhart Tolle, 2020