Community projects will play an important role on the journey to become emissions neutral, the key goal of the Paris Climate Agreement that 196 states, including China, are striving to meet.
Following the UN Conference of Parties (COP26) Climate Change summit held in Glasgow in Nov 2021, the Global Assembly called on artists around the world for creative responses reflecting people’s fears and hopes for a world threatened by climate change. It hopes to raise awareness through art projects and to mobilize society at grassroots level – every household and every community – to protect and sustain the environment by changing the way we use natural resources. The artwork can be viewed on the Cultural Wave website managed by the Global Assembly.

As an offshoot of this initiative, we recently organised the Community Assembly of Beijing involving a group of dedicated women from China and abroad. We are now putting our words into action by undertaking a community art project in the form of a mosaic mural symbolizing our deep respect for our planet, its life-giving climate, and global biodiversity, which we have a duty to protect. We believe this action will help to raise public awareness of the threat of climate change and the need to keep our climate goals in mind, in everything we do.