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Caught by Joanne Dashel, 2020

Today’s choice of mosaic from the MAI exhibition goes to the mosaic “caught” from Joanne Dashel.

I am impressed with her use of andamento to make the movement of the fish Schwarm visible. It is a distinctive feature of mosaic that one can use the direction of how to place the material plus the lines that are forming in between the mosaic pieces to give the section of an image a strong movement. She has chosen this motive in fascination of the sardines moving and mastered it excellent to depict this movement.

I also like the use of the spaces in between the mosaic pieces to draw the fishing net. Using these spaces for making the design has always been intriguing for me in mosaic. Really well done here.

The great train mosaic by Stevo Sadvary

I chose this mosaic today because it is masterfully embedded into its surroundings. Stevo uses the underlying material -a concrete wall – to develop elements – here trees – as features of the design. As the mural is located in a bush like area, this is an amazing idea to literary plant the mosaic into its environment.

Welcome to Mosaic Art International (MAI) exhibition

This year is a special year because we can visit exhibitions from our kitchen table. Please feel invited to go with me and visit the MAI 2021 exhibition. I will look at 5 works everyday and share the one that touched me most that day with you.

this is my choice for today:
it touched me because Melanies experience with the trees resonates with me. Trees have consolidated me when feeling restless and uprooted.

If you would like to wonder through the gallery of exquisite mosaic art then please open the link to the gallery below: