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Um Bonde para Santa Teresa 2

My friend Anna van der Heijden and I were part of this incredible community event “Um Bonde para Santa Teresa” in Rio de Janeiro last Saturday, Aug 26. We were most impressed how the event went in true community spirit. The artist who inspired the project Andrea Aires Imbiriba after giving an impressive speech about the spirit of community art, kept in the background and everybody who was willing could mix cement, climb the scaffold and glue a mosaic on the wall, get water for cleaning the mosaic, dance or just watch.

The Bondinhos from Brasilia are in the last panel upper row 2. and 4. from left and 3 row down 2. from left.

Please enjoy a glimpse of the spirit in the video, please click on the link below!

Um Bonde para Santa Teresa – video by Gertrud Muller Aug 26 2017

also watch this film in Portuguese about the first part of the project

Um Bonde para Santa Teresa – primeira etapa Feb 04 2017

Um Bonde para Santa Teresa

Tomorrow, August 25,  these 4 mosaics will travel together with me and Anna from Brasilia to Rio de Janeiro. On Saturday, 26 August, they will be installed with 96 of similar tram mosaic designs from various mosaic enthusiasts from all over Brazil and South America in a wall along the closed down tracks of the tram that is a land mark of the old part of town Santa Tereza in Rio de Janeiro. This community mosaic got inspired by Andréa Aires Imbiriba, a mosaic artist from Rio de Janeiro. When the first 100 mosaics got installed in February 2017 it found such great response that a second phase was agreed. My studio “mosaic moments” is participating with 4 bondinhos.

first phase of mosaic mural “um bonde para Santa Teresa” 100 mosaics by various artists and friends, installed on Feb 4 2017

4 mosaic bondinhos from mosaic moments studio Brasilia will be installed in Saturday Aug 26, 2017 in Rio de Janeiro  designs by Gertrud Müller, Anna van der Heyden, Judy Wolf and Emma Villedrouin

this Athos Bulcão wall design from the building of the national congress in Brasilia gave the inspiration of my design of the bondinho


Mosaic Moments Studio exhibition

On June 6-9  2017  mosaics produced at the Mosaic Moments Studio Brasilia were admired by many visitors in the landscape of a  beautiful gardens in Lago Sul / Brasilia.

wall designs of students and their teacher, Gertrud Müller

mosaic designs around water

bird baths by Gertrud Müller inspired by mosaics from the Zeugma Mosaic Museum, Gaziantep, Turkey

Gold Fish – out door wall design  by Gertrud Müller

table tops made out of mosaic by students and their teacher Gertrud Müller

shower wall by Gertrud Müller inspired by roman border pattern (applied to the floor), surrounding leaves and Niemeyer curves

typical roman border pattern – floor mosaic by Gertrud Müller

fish – floor mosaic by Gertrud Müller installed on garden shower