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Musas do Mosaico

At my birthday party in October I invited my friends to do some joint mosaic making. The figure of the lizard was already made kind of an unfinished product of another project that my friend and neighbor in the atelier Cida Carvalho and I made – from the beginning a mosaic of two hands wich turned into a mosaic of many hands.

5. October


12. October


27. January


2. February

8. February

All together more than 20 women worked on the the mosaic. Now the mosaic is finished but not grouted and we are looking for a place to install it. This is the my task now to find a public wall that can hold the 90x200cm big and more than 50 kg heavy mosaic! Not so easy!

click on the link below to  see the advertisement!

Musas do Mosaico

2017 retrospective

Looking back through this year it makes me extremely happy and satisfied that so many beautiful mosaics have developed in the mosaic moments studio.

grape vine from oikos asarotos mosaic (2c CE) Vatican Museum Rome

Giving classes to adults and children was the time  I always looked forward to in 2017. Tuesday evening and Wednesdays, my teaching days,  are my “social days” in the studio and a great change to my otherwise “lonely time” creating my own works.

Teaching teaches me: with Irina I ventured into first works with the brazilian vitreous glass – Vidrotil.

Ligia brought the fabulous cutting bottle:

Oraida advised me on the frame for my lemon mosaic:

So thank you to all my students to give me the chance to pass on what I most like in life – making and learning about mosaics.

Looking forward to finish this community mosaic in January 2018 and to more mosaic encounters with many more people ! Happy New Year!

Refugee Community Mosaic project awarded

It was amazing: When I got the audio file with a music from Shalan Alhamwy that originally was not composed for the film, putting it into I Movie it immediately fitted the scenes on the images. As if the music was composed especially for this video. 

In August to my surprise the video got selected to be shown at the conference in Barcelona amongst 15 videos about mosaic heritage conservation. This was the decisive moment for me to by my ticket to Barcelona to take part in the conference on mosaic heritage preservation. (13th ICCM conference Barcelona 2017)

A lot of positive comments from the 250 participants from 35 countries reached me during this week 15-20. Oct 2017.

At the end of the conference the video was recognized with the “coup de coeur” prize.

Seeing the film on a big screen in the auditorium was amazing.