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THE AYVLIK MOSAIC – Brasilia studio Asa Norte – fifth week

All is good! Thanks to all your supportive messages, jokes and calls  the dark forces from last week could not get hold of me!

On Monday morning Robson and I sanded most of the stones in our garden. It is much better to do this very dusty work outside, and in the tropics it is possible to work outside all year round


In the afternoon Cida and I put the trial mosaic onto a wall close to the floor as this will be a similar place for the AYVALIK MOSAIC too.


First we filled the gaps with fine sand, then covered the mosaic with tile cementIMG_6283

then pressed it  onto the pricked and wetted wallIMG_6285

On Wednesday I went to the Vitoria stone fair for one day. Vitoria is a coastal town just 1000 km east from Brasilia, a little bit north of Rio de Janeiro. The amount of beautiful stones was overwhelming and fun to see. Much more vivid colors than in Europe. Especially the blues are amazing. In Vitoria I met with Evren and Turgut from Turanbesikoglu  marble. A delightful reunion.


But – these are all granites, quarzides and semi precious stones – definitely not suitable for roman style mosaic. Only two dealers had lime and sand stones but in limited colors.

Back on Thursday and Friday more background stone setting – with the great help from Leyla.


The background is almost done.

On Friday a big relieve – it worked well! the MDF Board and the paper came off easily after wetting it all for 24 h. No hard residues of the glue and paper, I could clean the interstices easily from the sand with a spray bottle. It is just missing the grout, which color shall I choose? I think I go for dark grey.


Saturday I could just plan for the next week. I have one week left to finish, exhibit and pack the AYVALIK MOSAIC to go back to Turkey again.

For the future I started to make plans to build a tumbling machine. The sanding of every little stone is absolutely crazy and inefficient.

THE AYVALIK MOSAIC – fourth week Brasilia studio Asa norte

This week I lost my inner calm! Given that I have only 2 weeks left until the departure to Turkey I got the panic about finishing the background and making a trial wall installation which I am most worried about as I haven’t put a mosaic onto a wall yet. My neck is so tense and my eyes can not see well anymore.  I really need support!

It also was unfortunate that in this moment my family was away and I felt so lonely and scared at night. Consequently I slept bad which contributed to the tension during the day.  Brasil still is foreign for me. Speaking Portuguese needs a lot of concentration for my brain. I visited a turkish colleague of my husband on Thursday who’s father, an apricot specialist and dealer from Izmir, was around. Trying to speak Turkish with him was a nightmare. So frustrating. I am lost in all these languages!

But enough of laments. What happened this week?

My dear neighbor and mosaic artist Cida helped herself and recruited a friend to help too.

They are busy artists with their own projects and still afforded each half a day to put tesserae next to tesserae in lines! The gardener who agreed to help sanding the marble unfortunately got sick.

But the most work is the sanding of the marble that has shattered edges! I do this with a small electric tool which has a rotating sanding disc. For dying of cancer from a dusty lung  and preventing little splinters flying into my eyes I look like this! Very comfortable in 30 + degree!


Whilst Cida and Leyla were working on the background I occupied myself with glueing the long fish parts onto 3 mm MDF board, using water soluble glue again as it all is supposed to come off after the mosaic is in the cement.


This is the north wall mosaic in total of 210 cm length and 40 cm hight.

All the white and light yellow parts still need to be covered with background tesserae.

What is my next worry? Which cement shall I use? So far I only used roman cement which I made myself and Kalekim (a turkish brand for tile cements) for the refugee mosaics. But for a natural stone mosaic in a bathroom?

As a bad surprise (and it actually created absolute panic) I realized that after the architects original plan the mosaic is too long. The last 12 cm of the long fish tail would not be on the wall anymore! Unfortunately I had a communication problem with our architect in Ayvalik and could not get the actual wall maeasured. So I had to take the decision to cut some background in between the dolphine and the long fish mouth.


It looks quite cute now, doesn’t it? as if they are kissing. (Fitting the topic of today – Valentines Day)

Further I made a little wave border as a trial piece for putting the tesserae directly onto the wall without any mesh. On Monday  Cida and Leyla will help me installing it on a wall in my studio.


It actually took great joy drawing the wave pattern. And my memories of the mosaic restoration class from one year ago, where we had to draw several mosaics, got refreshed. Its satisfying to see what one has learned. I try to draw with minimal helplines as I want my hand to feel the flow. I believe this will later help the hand setting the tesserae.

I chose marble for the tesserae, but different colors in order not to waist any material for the actual mosaic. When laying the tesserae it was great to understand how the lines are filled with tesserae. I am sure that these old masters could lay the pattern directly into the cement with only maybe two helplines. When you do about 50 meter of it your hand and eye should know how it goes. I wish I could do it. However also my 30 cm of border has brought me a small insight in how to put the tesserae down.


The wave pattern is actually one of the border patterns in the original mosaic from Zeugma. This photo served as my guide.


As this blog serves  as documentation of this project and my learning diary, what ist the learning of this week:

RELAX! I can not pull things through at all cost. A team of 3 people committed to work for the whole duration of the project would be ideal, but the importance is that the team feels ownership over the project.

Be realistic about time. This mosaic making is a slow affair!

I want to conclude today with a piece of music that I listend to this week and I really love. Carinhoso, which means  loving  and caring in Portuguese. (click on the word Carinhoso it has the link)




THE AYVALIK MOSAIC – Brasilia Studio Asa Norte third week


There it is – the last fish figure for the AYVALIK MOSAIC.

I almost procrastinated its finalization. These figures have been living with me for almost a year now. Every day I looked at them, checked the original photo against my copy, looked closely at single areas again and again, especially the fins. I always underestimated these little things. Yesterday it took me a whole day to put them and the contour line around the whole figure. I worked for eight hours solid until my eyes would not see and my fingers could not grip the little tesserae anymore.

These mosaics are lines that interact with each other in shape and color. Beautifully crafted lines and carefully chosen colors and their contrast to each other are making these figures look so amiable and pleasant.


Now the work is more mechanical, setting the background  tesserae and finally installing the mosaic. I am very nervous about the latter as I have not done it in such a scale before.

I don’t know how on earth these people 2000 years ago could manage to put mosaic floors of more then 20m2 down. They must have had an army of workers cutting stone and laying them!

Next weeks I will hopefully have 2 helpers for the background so that I can  concentrate on making little trial tiles to practice putting mosaic on a  wall.

Any advise from more experienced mosaic crafters are welcome! Please use the comments section or contact me on the website.

But now its carnival in Brasil!

I am looking forward to relax my tired eyes in the colorful costumes,IMG_6218

my stiff neck  in the  rhythms of the different bands

and my far to tense mind in the company of  people that just want to have fun for 4 days.


(For my German speaking readers, that are interested in the refugee crisis, please find this letter with a report about the situation in Lesbos in pressing on the link)