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THE AYVALIK MOSAIC – Brasilia studio Asa Norte second week

The second week in the studio went fast with lots of progress.


Dolphin’s head finished with the contour line. This is one line around the figure in background color. It helps to emphasize the figure. This technique can be found in greek and roman mosaics.

When looking at the dolphins head I am so amused that it looks so Disney like! Did Disney maybe had a look at these mosaics before he created his figures?


I started with the last figure – a long, mainly gray fish with vigilant eyes. Nusret Bey taught me to make the eyes first, to give the figures a soul at the beginning.

IMG_6203And I glued the Dolphin and parts of his tail fin onto MDF board. In the picture you can see it with weights from boxes full of marble. On Monday it should be ready for the background tesserae to be put on.

It has been very cold in Turkey and in Ayvalik too the past week so building work had to rest for a while.

This lets me think of the situation of Syrian refugees of which the majority lives in Turkey. Ayvalik and its surroundings play a role in the faith of refugees. From there a lot of men, women and children leave in small boats or dinghies for the greek island of Lesbos which is only 2h boat ride away over the sea. The photo I posted already last week is  the view from Ayvalik’s waterfront over to Lesbos.


The mountain range in the far background are the mountains of Lesbos

When the sea is calm like this the boats might succeed. But imagine in storm or at the freezing temperatures of the past week ….

A dinghy with refugees and migrants onboard is illuminated by a rainbow as it makes its way on the Aegean sea from the Turkey's coast to the Greek island of Lesbos, on Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. About 5,000 migrants are reaching Europe each day along the so-called Balkan migrant route, stoking tensions among the countries along the migrant corridor including Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.(AP Photo/Santi Palacios)

A dinghy with refugees and migrants onboard is illuminated by a rainbow as it makes its way on the Aegean sea from the Turkey’s coast to the Greek island of Lesbos, on Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. About 5,000 migrants are reaching Europe each day along the so-called Balkan migrant route, stoking tensions among the countries along the migrant corridor including Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.(AP Photo/Santi Palacios)

When we visited Ayvalik, in the 4 days we spent in the small town, public life of Ayvalik would not hint anything about refugees in the city and their  dramatic situations.

Only  in speaking to some shopkeepers we heard empathetic remarks about the misery of the whole situation of the refugees.

Meanwhile the Turkish government has issued a general work permit for Syrian refugees and the permission for employers to employ up to ten Syrian immigrants in their businesses.

We will see if this regulation might reduce the numbers of people risking their lives for a better future on a boat ride between Ayvalik area and Lesbos.

THE AYVALIK MOSAIC – Brasilia Studio Asa Norte first week

Hello again!

I wish all my dear readers a happy new year 2016.

For me this year started with a visit to  Ayvalik.



The renovation of the house is really coming on. The windows and doors are installed, bright red plastic hoses under the marble floor in the kitchen are promising warm feet next winter and will also warm your feet under the mosaic.


Marble floor downstairs, through the door on the left you will go into the Hamam


A piep through the garden wall onto the place for the mosaic ( where the white tubes are)

I booked a ticket to Istanbul for end of February – the count down is on!

Back in Brasilia my sons helped to move the mosaic stuff into its 5th location for the workshop.

IMG_6144 IMG_6145Today I finished my first week working in the studio. A workplace away from home – I did not have this for 5 years.

It felt very good to leave the house in the mornings and entering a place that has nothing to do with the family. Full concentration onto just mosaic.


And on the side line – it is rainy season in Brasil at the moment. And with it our house is swamped with mosquitos. You can not sit still and NOT get bitten. Today I worked in the studio for 6 hours with the window wide open and I did not encounter one single mosquito! Fabulous!

This week I almost finished the head of the dolphin. I realized that I did not take a photo of the body and tail parts. Master Nusret made them in Gaziantep and they are now well packed away in Ayvalik.



This weeks work – Dolphin head almost finished


THE AYVALIK MOSAIC – Brasilia twelfth week

Its done!

The first piece of the mosaic is ready to be mounted.

The rental contract of the studio is signed.

The boxes with all the mosaic stuff are packed again to be moved from our house to their hopefully permanent home for the next 3 years.


I would love to present you with all parts mounted together on photoshop, but my photoshop skills are non existent ;( So your imagination has to do this 🙂


Part 1


parts 2&3


the studio


the view I am looking forward too in January


my new neighbors: Cida Carvalho and her students

This is the last post for this year. I wish you all a peaceful rest. I am looking forward to write to you again from the new studio.