All posts filed under: Mosaic workshops

New workshops @ MosaicMoments Studio

I am pleased to announce more workshops at my studio in Washington DC in February and March. My workshops are small (max 4 participants) events where likeminded people meet to experience the calming yet intricate ancient craft of mosaic. After the recent workshop in cooperation with Dupontunderground Gallery Julie M. wrote: You did an excellent job introducing us to mosaic-making and giving us a little project to do that taught us some technique but gave us a beginning success and was not overly technical. Let me know if you would like to participate.

Next mosaic workshop, December 13/14/15, VHS Berlin Mitte

You can now register for my next mosaic workshop on December 13/14/15/2024 via the Volkshochschule Berlin, Mitte, course number: Mi212-014H log in. Would you like to get to know one of the oldest artistic techniques? Feel the hard glass tiles in your hands and transform it into a unique, completely individual mosaic picture with skillful hand movements? Then this workshop is just right for you. In this course you will familiarize yourself with the classic mosaic technique that has been used for thousands of years to individually design rooms and surfaces. You will learn how to use the mosaic nippers, rules of classic mosaic laying technique and how to glue and grout a mosaic on an approx. 20 x 20 cm substrate. At the end of the course you can take your mosaic picture home with you. The course is suitable for beginners. No previous knowledge is necessary.

Möckernkiez Community Mosaic

The video of the community mosaic “Möckernkiez” is here! A document of the creative work of a house community. ” I would not have thought that my neighbors could produce such beautiful designs. Now I see some of them with a whole new set of eyes.” a resident and participant in the Mosaik project told me during the opening of the first part of the Community Mosaik for House 1 in the Möckernkiez in Berlin Kreuzberg. 32 residents from the 22 apartments that use Staircase A on a daily basis each designed a mosaic tile. On May 5, the mosaic tiles were installed by me and 3 other helpers from the house in the entrance area as a frieze. Saturday, May 6, was scheduled for joint grouting. Unfortunately, no one had signed the list of helpers. We “installers”, still tired from the previous day’s concentration and physical exertion, were worried. Would we manage to grout and clean the mosaic before the inauguration which was scheduled for 3pm? We started to mix the grout. And lo …