All posts filed under: Mosaics around the world

Textile & Tesserae exhibition

The Art of the Whole: Textiles and Tesserae June 29, 2016 What do we so love about hand-made quilts, besides their lasting, cottony goodness? That they were stitched into harmony by someone who saw the potential for unity in a pile of fabric scraps. And mosaics? We love that someone gave new ‘life’ (as it were) to the beautiful, broken pieces of plates or glass or stone walls. Both quilting and mosaics began as crafts with utilitarian purposes and have been elevated to high art by some makers. Countless people from all walks of life have found these arts more accessible than painting, drawing, or sculpture, and achieved significant artistry. There are hundreds of active mosaicists and quilters in the Bay Area at levels from hobbyist to fine artist. The annual exhibit of the East Bay Heritage Quilters fills the gigantic Craneway Pavilion on the Richmond waterfront. There are also artists who do both. Color Block #1 – Quilt by Deborah Block “I have been making mosaics for eight or nine years and started looking at quilts …