All posts filed under: Blog posts

The sky of Brasilía in Beijing

  I am always intrigued if it is possible to depict something so imaginary, untouchable and lofty like clouds with the rigid and physically palpable, coming from earth material that we use to make mosaic – stone, glas and ceramic tile. In this work I used bass relief technique to bring even more depth into the image. Working with hard material who’s hight I can easily influence makes this technique possible. In the container that left Brasilia End of February 2019 was the unfinished “Sky of Brasilia” mosaic – well wrapped and crated. End of 2019 after setting up my studio in Beijing I finished the sky, grouted the mosaic with different coloured grout and framed it.  After having exhibited the “Sky of Brasilía” in 2021 at the Caicifang porcelain studio in Beijing just south of Tiananmen Square, the Brazilian embassy in Beijing offered to add it to their art collection. It was my last great moment in Beijing to hand the mosaic to the Brazilian ambassador to China Mr Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita and his …

My work in China – a retrospective

Dear friends, I have physically moved to Berlin now. It’s exciting to be in my home country.  However as always when I move I will not have a studio for at least half a year as my tools and materials are in transition in our container somewhere between Tianjin and Hamburg. I also notice that my soul is still in transition too. The memories from Beijing are kicking in often. Therefor I would like to use this coming weeks to tell you about my work in China. Back there I was using Chinese social media to tell my friends in Beijing about mosaic and my work – therefor this website and my Instagram account didn’t get regular updates. My studio was flourishing in Beijing – I wouldn’t have thought I would get so beautifully busy in all areas of my work – my solely crafted mosaics, the workshops and the community mosaic murals. I have the feeling the years in Beijing were the peak of my career. Let me tell you one after the other. …

Mosaic Discovery in Berlin

Last year on a beautiful blue sky summer day I walked from Berlin Hauptbahnhof to Spittelmarkt – always along the Spree and later the Spree Kanal. It’s a wonderful walk that I could recommend every visitor of this vibrant city. I was stepping through a lot of history of this city and my own life. Without intentionally looking for them I saw several mosaics on the way. On Bertold-Brecht- Platz stands a typical Berlin late 1900 multi story building which houses the famous restaurant “Ganymed” . Above the entrance door with the restaurants name (also a mosaic) you find in an imaginary niche another small beautiful mosaic. The mosaic was installed in 1892/93 to attract visitors to the theater “Berliner Ensemble” . Only in 1997 it was discovered again. The workshop “ wandwerk” restored this mosaic to its full beauty. Walking on along the Spree Canal my glance gets attracted by a huge mural on the Friedrichsgracht 58. It’s the mural “ Man, measure of all things” by Walter Womacka, who has designed this epic …