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Mosaic Discovery in Berlin

Last year on a beautiful blue sky summer day I walked from Berlin Hauptbahnhof to Spittelmarkt – always along the Spree and later the Spree Kanal. It’s a wonderful walk that I could recommend every visitor of this vibrant city. I was stepping through a lot of history of this city and my own life. Without intentionally looking for them I saw several mosaics on the way. On Bertold-Brecht- Platz stands a typical Berlin late 1900 multi story building which houses the famous restaurant “Ganymed” . Above the entrance door with the restaurants name (also a mosaic) you find in an imaginary niche another small beautiful mosaic. The mosaic was installed in 1892/93 to attract visitors to the theater “Berliner Ensemble” . Only in 1997 it was discovered again. The workshop “ wandwerk” restored this mosaic to its full beauty. Walking on along the Spree Canal my glance gets attracted by a huge mural on the Friedrichsgracht 58. It’s the mural “ Man, measure of all things” by Walter Womacka, who has designed this epic …

Inauguration of Climate Change Community Mosaic 21. April 2022

We are in awe that we did it: a group of 55 people all dedicating time and energy to create with their hands a piece of awareness raising on their hopes and concerns about impact of climate change around us. Celebrate with us the transformation of words via symbols into mosaic art that is installed as a mural at the entrance of the German School in Beijing.  We are still gathering photos and reflecting on how it became such a big and wonderful project. Stay tuned to hear more about it in the coming weeks!

Climate Change Community Mosaic installed

We are tremendously proud and happy to have had such a smooth and fun installation week, April 18-21, for the Climate Change Community Mosaic. The mosaic mural was installed at the entrance to the premises of the German School, Beijing. Now this community art piece created by 55 Beijingers will not only decorate the modern building but also keep raising awareness about impact of climate change amongst the schools community.