All posts filed under: Blog posts

With my good friend Paloma in Tucson Arizona

At the beginning of February 2025, I was able to meet up with my friend Paloma Sanchez at the world-famous gemstone fair in Tucson, Arizona. Paloma is a gemstone dealer and jewelry designer in Beijing, and has been going to this fair for 30 years. So she was able to show me around expertly for two days. On the first day, we wandered through the stalls selling mass-produced goods. Jewelry designers were stocking up for the year. There were mountains of stones on display and it seemed to me as if our entire earth must have been hollowed out for this, so much was on offer. In the afternoon, however, Paloma took me to 3 galleries that exhibit unprocessed mineral collections and art with stones. These galleries are located on Granada Avenue in Tucson/Arizona and are also named as such (Granada Gallery), but are only open during the fair. These so-called specimens are rough and uncut stones, as they occur in nature. I was fascinated by the fact that certain minerals always form the same …

New workshops @ MosaicMoments Studio

I am pleased to announce more workshops at my studio in Washington DC in February and March. My workshops are small (max 4 participants) events where likeminded people meet to experience the calming yet intricate ancient craft of mosaic. After the recent workshop in cooperation with Dupontunderground Gallery Julie M. wrote: You did an excellent job introducing us to mosaic-making and giving us a little project to do that taught us some technique but gave us a beginning success and was not overly technical. Let me know if you would like to participate.