All posts filed under: Blog posts

Embroidery pattern – Mosaic, Washington DC

Turning embroidery patterns into mosaics has always appealed to me. Cross stitch patterns in particular are notated in small squares. Pixel mosaic templates are produced in the same way. I wanted to use this equality in the design templates to create an embroidery pattern mosaic. In March/April 2024, I worked with over 50 women from the World Bank Family Network in Washington DC to create a community mosaic based on embroidery patterns. The patterns come from embroidery and other textile works from many cultures, which women from different parts of the world discovered, photographed and sent in for the project. Each woman has written a short text about the embroidery design and her relationship to it. At the moment, one of these stories appears on Facebook every week. I will forward them to you: <iframe src=%2Fposts%width=”500″ height=”586″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share”></iframe> <iframe src=%2Fposts%width=”500″ height=”638″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share”></iframe>

The miraculous journey of a mosaic

In 2015, when I exhibited pieces for the Hamam mosaic in Brazil, visitors asked for a similar mosaic for their house in Washington. Years went by… We have since moved to Washington and I now live in here and in Berlin. In September 2023, I met our friends again and asked them if they were still thinking about the mosaic they had asked me for so many years ago. I met them in their house, we looked for a place and found a suitable niche above the bathtub. One of the fish from the Ayvalik mosaic could swim well there! I presented them with 4 designs for the 45×29″ niche and an estimate, they chose one design and accepted the budget.Design_M&C_Oct_23 In November and December 2023, I produced the mosaic on a temporary support in my studio in Berlin. I glued the tesserae upside down onto craft paper. IMG_1213 When I was finished after 40 hours, I was able to cut the mosaic apart and pack it in pieces between polystyrene sheets for transportation to …

Happy holidays from MosaicMoments Studio

Happy holidays from the MosaicMoments studio! As I wrap up 2023 and my first full year in my Berlin studio, I reflect on the many lovely moments and projects that took place, and look forward to opening studio number 2 in Washington DC in 2024. My lovely studio in Berlin Mosaic in action Happily working along during open studio sessions Lovely mosaics from my beginners workshop in Feb. Putting up the community project @ the Möckernkiez Group workshop celebrating a dear friends birthday A family effort installing our kitchen mosaic in Berlin Attending the SAMA conference in Buffalo and joining in on a great workshop with Carol Shelkin Creations with SMALTI, Byzantine glass and natural stone @ Cosmomusivo Studio, Berlin Work in progress for private commissioned piece Wishing you all a good start in the new year and hope to share more mosaicmoments with you in 2024✨