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Such a pleasure working with Mosaic Lovers in China

MosaicMoments studio started its journey in China in 2019. During these 3 years, we have held 15 beginner workshops with about 100 people. 马赛克时刻工作室于2019年开始在中国的旅途。这3年中,我们举办了15场初学者工作坊,有约100人参与。   “The learning process of making mosaics was so fascinating. Your studio is like an enchanted place decorated with your exquisite mosaic works, with all kinds of materials and tools in good order, and serene music in the background. Here I met friends from all over the world.  We shared the same enthusiasm and enjoyment of learning the mosaic art. We learned from, inspired and appreciated each other’s work. You gave each of us individual attention and insightful detailed instructions for our projects.”   ——Chaoying from China 来自中国的超英 4 Community Mosaic workshops were conducted with 130 participants. “Thank you Gertrud and your team for the diligent preparation and introduction into the world of Mosaic. I enjoyed the creative and relaxing atmosphere so much and, contributing a small unit to the master piece was rewarding experience. The food and social set up was most inspiring. Great people and great fun!” 感谢 Gertrud 和您的团队为马赛克世界所做的辛勤准备和介绍。我非常享受这个创作和轻松的氛围,为一副优秀的作品贡献一小部分是十分有成就感的体验。同时,和很棒的人一起分享食物和交谈是最鼓舞人心的。这是一次很有乐趣的经历! ——Cinderella …

USA mosaic trip – part one – New York

Using my freedom in between postings ( my husband and I are in transition between Brazil and China) I am currently visiting friends and mosaics in the US before I will head to this years summit of the Association of American mosaic artists (SAMA) in Nashville /Tennessee. It’s a good time of the year spring everywhere, new beginning, opening, exploring…. Last week I was in New York visiting my cousin. She pointed out new mosaics in NY subway stations. So one afternoon I spent underground. Traditionally the subway stations in New Yorks Subway (which was opened in 1904) are tiled in white tiles with the station names and some ornaments that could count as mosaics made out of colored ceramic tiles. There are many modern art works in mosaic techniques in several stations. I came across the following: More recently art works were commissioned by the subway authorities for the newly build Q – line. The so called Chuck Close mosaics (Large photograph like Portraits modeled in glass mosaic) at 86 Street, Jean Shin’s large …

Refugee Community Mosaic

Today is international women’s day. I want to remember an amazing project for international women’s day 2015 that I consider myself lucky to have been part off. The women4women production inspired and directed by Miriam Engstrom is a project that gives women a chance to express themselves in an event through visual and performing art. The project is set up in a way to encourage women that have never done such thing before to participate in theatre and music performance and an exhibition . By coincidence Miriam and I lived for some time together in the same neighborhood in Ankara. We had a kind of regular morning walk habit in our local park together and during this  I was expressing my dream of creating a community mosaic to Miriam.  We were speaking about the fact that mosaic making requires a lot of time and that refugees have a lot of time as they are often waiting for years for their applications to be administered and during that time are often not allowed to work officially. So we came …